Thursday, December 3, 2015


CHIC stands for Convent High In Christ, and it is an event that takes place on the University of Tennessee campus every three years. This special event lasts a week and the year that I attended CHIC was just last year (2015). It was one of the most interesting weeks of my life and I was beyond blessed to attend this special event. At CHIC we were able to see speakers such as Louie Giglio, Judy Peterson, Lecrae, and Eugene Cho. Some of the singers that week were Rend Collective, For King and Country, Moriah Peters, Lecrae, and Propaganda. When we all first arrived at CHIC, we were able to go to the HUB. The HUB consisted of great food, games, music, and lots of crafts. We also had meetings called base camps, which lasted for three hours. These were smaller meeting that consisted of about 100 people, and had speakers that talked to us about certain topics that were and still are popular. During base camps, each person could choose which camp they wanted to go to each day. After base camps, we had lunch and then free time. During our free time we were able to go to the HUB, the pool, or we could walk around the UT campus and some days they offered excursions. MaryBeth and I went to go paint balling on afternoon. After the free time was over, there was dinner from 5-7. Once dinner is over, we go onto the mainstage which starts at 8 and usually lasts until 11. During mainstage is when we listen to the speakers and have huge concerts that make your hearts beat out of your chests. Listening to those speakers talk about topic that us teens can relate to really meant a lot. A topic that we learned about was Project Blue, which is making people aware of the amount of water that we use on a daily basis. We learned and experienced some of the challenges that families face in order to get water (but in most cases the water that they gather is not clean and is not safe to drink). CHIC showed us how greatly blessed we all are and how many things we take for granted day by day, such as water. CHIC gave me the opportunity to grow in my faith and to have a better relationship with God, and it also gave me the privilege to grow closer with the friends that attended with me. It is not like any other camp that I have ever been to, it was different in so many wonderful ways. It is a week that I will never forget. I hope to share my experience with many others and encourage them to go to CHIC.



  1. I absolutely love hearing about your camp/CHIC stories. They make me so happy :)
