Friday, October 30, 2015


Here are a few morals that we as Christians should always remember. People often forget what is important in life and they usually forget the measures of how important we are as Christians. We forget that people look at us as a example/role models and that we are the type of people who can change how people look at Christians. We need to remember that even though we are faced with temptations, that we should know right from wrong. We know what is considered "right or wrong" and we are supposed to act in a well-mannered fashion towards certain topics. We should not judge others for what they believe, but we should always encourage others as they are faced with hard times. During these times, people look for answers, we should tell people about God and why we are put through hard times.  Morals are a topic in society that is lacking interest, and there are many types of morals in the world, even if they aren't talked about. 
-Respect: Christians should grow up and have better respect for others and not be so judgmental towards people. We all struggle with being judgmental because of how we have been raised. Some think it is okay, while others still try to remember why we don't judge others in the first place.
-Honesty and Integrity: As Christians we should do nothing but be honest and be willing to be honest in all situations. It's something we should always do and we should never be scared to tell the truth even if its hard. It's as some Christians are scared to say what is necessary in certain situations, because they are scared of what will be said. 
-Kindness and Compassion: Kindness and compassion is something that is starting to disappear in today's world(Or at least it seems that way). Us Christians need to work to get back the kindness and level of compassion that used to be a trait for people without question. We all have to think about helping someone now instead of just doing it. 
-Thankfulness: We should all be so thankful for our everyday lives, for the ability to wake up in the morning with a roof over our heads, to be able to put clothes on our backs, no worrying about food to eat, being able to get an education, or anything we come in contact with on a daily basis. We take for granted too much in today's society.  


  1. Today's generation seems to be lacking the morals that have been instilled in us. It's a shame, really..

  2. Same. We all should have morals like these especially as Christians
